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And the environment?

How do I help the environment when I buy compatible cartridges?

In 5 years, cartridge sales have increased by no less than 40%. The share of recycled cartridges increased by an impressive percentage of over 160% . It is therefore a fact that the future lies in compatible cartridges.

There are many environmental benefits with compatible cartridges. The environmental impact of the cartridges is greatly reduced because one cartridge can be used several times.

Toner cartridges are made of plastic and small amounts of other materials. The plastic in each cartridge costs about 3.3 liters of oil to make. During the manufacture of the cartridge, 4 liters of petroleum is burned, which is equivalent to 10 kg of CO2 released into the atmosphere. This means that refilling a cartridge yields approximately 7.3 liters of fuel and 10 kg CO2 less. Furthermore, refilling means that cartridges do not end up in landfills where they would otherwise have taken hundreds to thousands of years to decay.

By re-using you not only benefit from the lower price of the cartridges, but you also save on the processing costs of your company waste, as empty cartridges no longer have to be disposed of as chemical waste at high rates.

Many empty plastic cartridges are being dumped these days in fields or landscapes all over the world. Annually this is more than 750,000 m² in Europe alone. That means that about four large football fields are needed to be able to dump all European waste from printing supplies. Every month, about 24 million inkjet cartridges end up in general waste in Europe, despite the fact that they can be remanufactured at least 3 times. It takes up to 1,000 years for the plastic used in a regular inkjet cartridge to decay. Clearly, Every cartridge that is recycled is another 1 less that is dumped into the environment.

Sources: wikipedia,

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